You can set new bookings to be considered as mere booking requests until they are manually reviewed and confirmed by you.

  1. Go to Settings -> Booking engines -> General options.
  2. Under “Booking requests”, choose either “Bookings made online by guests are merely considered as requests until confirmed”, or “All new bookings are merely considered as requests until confirmed”. The latter means that even bookings made in the backend will be considered unconfirmed initially.
  3. When guests are booking through your website, the button will now read “Send booking request” instead of “Book now”. The guest will not receive a booking confirmation, but a booking request confirmation.
  4. By clicking “Confirmed” in the top left corner on the booking details page, you can later confirm the booking and may then also choose to send a final booking confirmation.
Tip: You can create your own customized request and confirmation email and SMS templates, instead of using the standard templates.