Sirvoy has many tools for changing room rates. However, when combining several settings, which one will take priority? This article explains how prices are calculated in Sirvoy.

Please note below that some settings will modify the rate (adjust up or down), while other settings will override the rate (completely replace it with a new rate).

1. Base rate

Sirvoy will first look for the base rate (Settings -> Accommodations -> Room types).

For example $130.

2. Seasonal/temporary price changes

Next, Sirvoy will look for any price changes (Settings -> Pricing -> Temporary prices). If found, the base rate will be modified accordingly.

For example, if the price change is $-20, the new rate will be $110 (base rate $130 – $20).

3. Price entered on the Rates page

If a spot price has been registered through the Rates page, any rate found in the preceding steps will be ignored and overridden. The price entered on the Rates page will be used instead.

4. Discount for longer stays

Next, Sirvoy will check for any adjusted nightly rates for another number of nights (Settings -> Pricing -> Longer stay pricing -> Adjusted nightly rate). If a discount exists for the current stay length, it will be applied on top of the rate from steps 1-2 (spot price will be ignored and weekly/monthly rates cannot be combined with “Adjusted nightly rate” ).

Discounts can be either percentage or fixed amount.

For example, if a 10% discount is found, the new rate will be $117 (base rate $130 – ($130 * 10%)). If a $10 discount is found, the new rate will instead be $120 (base rate $130 – $10).

5. Calculate average nightly rate

Steps 1-4 are done for each date throughout the stay, and an average nightly rate is calculated.

For example, if the rate for the first two nights is $230 and the third night is $170, the average rate will be $210 (($230 + $230 + $170) / 3).

6.Weekly or monthly rate

If the stay length matches full weeks or months, and such a rate is configured (Settings -> Pricing -> Longer stay pricing), the rates from the preceding steps will be ignored and overridden by the weekly/monthly rate. Note that weekly/monthly rates cannot be combined with other discounts (e.g. 1 week + 3 nights) or each other (e.g. 1 month + 2 weeks). However, a rate can be combined within itself if you have several periods with weekly/monthly rates and the booking overlapping these periods is on full weeks/months. The average price will be calculated and given as a weekly/monthly rate.

For example, if the rate for the first week is $770 and the next week is $670, the average rate will be $720 / week (($770 + $670) / 2).

However, if a booking is for three weeks, the rate for the first week being $770 and the next week $670, but the third week has no weekly rate added and only has a nightly rate of $150, the nightly rate will be applied for the room over the entire three weeks (or, if other price changes have been added during this period as described in points 2-5, those prices will apply instead) and the weekly rate will be ignored. ($150 x 21)

7. Do we have a discount code?

If a valid code is applied, the rates from the preceding steps will be modified accordingly. (If you have selected the option “Fixed replacement price for each product”, the rates defined for the code will instead override the rates from the preceding steps.)

Note: Rates that are sent to channels don’t take into account discounts for longer stays, weekly/monthly prices or coupons. Apart from the base rate, only seasonal price changes and spot prices are taken into account. However, on top of that you can add a certain percentage to the price that is sent to some channels under “Adjust prices in update” in Settings -> Channels – > (Selected channel) -> Connect.