Stripe is our recommended payment solution–secure, cost-effective, and incredibly versatile. It offers smooth integration with Sirvoy, extensive global availability, and superior point-of-sale capabilities through Stripe Terminal.  As a verified Stripe partner, Sirvoy ensures a stringent security and verification process with this leading financial infrastructure.

Stripe can be set up to store, and later charge, CC details from the following:

  • Online bookings on your website
  • Walk-in guests by the front desk staff
  • Sales channel bookings received in Sirvoy

Stripe also allows you to directly charge cards, at the time of booking on your website booking engine.

Stripe offers integrated local payment solutions (Sirvoy supports iDeal for bank payments). Stripe also offers Apple Pay and Google Pay, if all requirements for these are fulfilled.

Follow these steps to activate Stripe:

  1. Go to: Settings -> Financials -> Card payments and click “Edit.”
  2. Choose Stripe as your payment provider.
  3. In the “Collect card details for later charge” setting, select if card details should always be required or be shown as optional. If the voluntary option is selected, guests will be able to book without entering card details. (Admin users can always leave the fields blank when making new bookings.) They will then have the option of adding a credit card on the booking confirmation page and through the Review Your Booking feature.
  4. If you wish to automatically charge guests at the time of booking or make it optional for guests to make such payments, choose settings for this under “Partial prepayment” and/or “Full prepayment.”
  5. Select the connection environment (“Production/live” or “Test mode”).
  6. Change the “Description of services” if needed. It is only visible to Stripe, not guests.
  7. Click “Save.”
  8. You will be redirected to Stripe and asked to verify the connection. If you don’t already have a Stripe account you will be asked to create one. After it has been created, make sure that you confirm the account using the email sent to you by Stripe before proceeding.

If you like, make a test booking with payment and refund. (In Live mode, Stripe will charge their standard non-refundable processing fee on such a payment.)

Note: On your Sirvoy account, under Settings -> Financials -> Card payments

  • Use the environment “Test mode”, to connect your Sirvoy account to your Stripe account’s test key. When using the Sirvoy Booking Engine in this environment, you may simulate the Stripe Checkout payment flow with test payment method details.
  • Use the environment “Live/Production” to accept real payments in Stripe Checkout.

How Stripe works for storing and later charging credit cards:

  • Guests have to enter credit card details in order to complete and guarantee their booking – but the card is not charged.
  • Stripe will validate the received card information and make a $1 authorization charge (refunded immediately) that may appear in the guest’s account statement for a short time.
  • Credit card details can be added or updated by the guest on the booking confirmation page or through the Review Your Booking feature, or by yourself from the booking details page.
  • The remaining or full balance can be requested to be paid through the Review Your Booking feature. If settings have been made for this, the same option will be presented to the guest on the booking confirmation page.
  • Multiple cards can be added to a booking.
  • The card can be charged at any time from the booking details page. Just specify the amount to be charged.
  • Multiple charges can be made, for example, partial prepayment and final payment at check-out.
  • Partial or full refunds can be made from the booking details page.
  • Even though a card is added successfully to Stripe, future charges may still be declined.
  • Visit Stripe’s error support article for details about their error messages, or use their search function to find a specific error.

Note: Stripe credit cards are stored in the booking for 30 days after check-out. If added after check-out, credit card information is removed 30 days after being added.

How Stripe works for directly charging credit cards:

  • Guests have to pay directly at the time of the booking in order to complete the booking.
  • Different options are available to force partial (first night/percentage/fixed amount) or full prepayment, also based on how close in time check-in date is.
  • Settings for mandatory prepayment only affect the Sirvoy booking engine. Credit card details sent from channels will not be automatically charged. These will be stored for later manual charging instead, whether you force prepayment or not.
Note: Sirvoy has no access to the card details and will not be able to supply you with card details in clear text. Stripe is creating tokens to represent the card information and will not supply you with card details in clear text.